
Saturday, May 06, 2006

Darfur is Dying -- a game that is not a game

"Darfur is Dying" is a slogan and a website and an accusation. The "game" (free and playable right from your home computer) consists of using adults and children from a Darfur family to try to stay alive. Family members must obtain water and rebuild villages while "Janjaweed" militia roam the desert. The difficulty of the game highlights the perils that is faced by those in this troubled region. The site also includes informatio on the region and ways to help.
Image from the video game section of 12-year old "Abok", foraging for water, hides from Janjaweed militia.


Anonymous said...

I have always wondered why people like you bother masquerading as Catholics. You hate the theology, you hate the Church, you hate the moral teachings, you hate the dogma, you hate the vatican, you hate the sacraments, you hate chastity, you hate the reality of sin, you hate the need for redemption. In a word: you hate the Holy Catholic Church and all it has stood for for 2000 years! So, why are you masquerading as a Catholic? There can be only one answer: You only care for the destruction of the Church, and a return to the paganism you embrace. One of two scenarios will play out: You are correct, and all this "god" stuff is bullshit. If you are correct, the Church will die shortly, and civilization will go back into the toilet from whence it came;You are fatally wrong, which means you will burn in hell forever for embracing sin. Personally, I think you are correct, and will soon succeed in destroying the Church. It's just that the Church brought us civilization, and I do not care to return to those dark ways of paganism.

The Cranky Catholic said...

Nice language, "Christian."

Of all the posts to ding me on, why this one? Big fans of genocide are we? Sheesh!

And "pagan"? You prove that those blinded by hatred are not required to deal with reality, especially with the brothers and sisters right in front of them.

Say an Our Father, 3 Hail Marys and read Matthew 5! I'll read it with you.