
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

In the News: USCCB Tinkerbells at it again?

Browsing through Newsweek, of all places, I ran across an item about changes the US bishops are maiing in the Mass. here's the full text of the press release from the USSSC web site:
WASHINGTON (June 19, 2006)—The U.S. bishops have voted to accept changes in the English-language version of the Mass proposed by the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) and introduced sixty-two amendments to the text.

They voted 173-29 to accept the translation of the Order of the Mass in the dioceses in the United States. They also voted 184-8 to approve the adaptations to the Order of the Mass of the Missale Romanum, editia typica tertia for the dioceses of the United States. The bishops voted on the changes in Los Angeles, June 15, on the first day of their three-day spring meeting.

Changes accepted by the U.S. Bishops include the response to “The Lord be with you,” which becomes “and with your spirit,” rather than the current “and also with you.” Another change would be to start the Nicene Creed with “I believe” instead of the current “We believe.”

The changes will have to be ratified by the Vatican, which must consider the amended U.S. version along with the versions from other English-speaking countries.

Future changes in the Order of the Mass will concern other prayers, including the collects, also known as the opening prayers before the Liturgy of the Word, and the Prefaces, which precede the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

A timeline for the actual implementation of the changes has no yet been decided upon by the Bishops.

"And with your spirit"? While this is a better translation of the text, "Et cum spiritu tuo," I don't

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